Alien races book debunked meaning

Is the russian book about aliens that was given to top. Secret russian book of alien races and councils pdf reddit. I think your attitude is what shouldnt belong in rconspiracy. The grays and greens are not aliens, but alien constructs. Ufo researcher, isaac koi, was fast to examine the movie and determine it was certainly a hoax. I have seen a alien spaceship and i do believe we are not alone in this vast universe. If they were coming from zeta reticuli, the star system sometimes cited as a possible homeworld for alien visitors, it would take ten times as long. Inculcation devices and the practice of manipulation of the mind code. Alien races over 82 species on earth and in contact with earth right now before its news this highly fascinating compilation features photos of alleged alien species.

Debunk definition is to expose the sham or falseness of. Ancient aliens debunked is a 3 hour refutation of the theories proposed on the history channel series ancient aliens. Alien races over 82 species on earth and in contact with. Alien interview video officially debunked alien ufo sightings. A former army sergeant, clifford stone, has said the us government had tried to suppress what he actually seen one strange day in pennsylvania, back in 1969. Is the russian book about aliens that was given to top smersh. An alien race reported that the council of 5 last met on earth in 1944. The secret book of alien races translated from russian. More humanoid creatures with more than 2 feet and 2 hands would have been. If you still do not believe the government is trying to cover something up, then why not turn to the 114 page book called blue planet project. Theories on alien reptilians are visually metaphoric, like many other programs kreacionalnich myths in reality, threading together the clues to help man understand the human journey in linear time.

The anunnaki are perhaps one of the bestknown alien species together with the greys. As we know, any legend has a kernel of truth, be it big or small. The book can later turn our to be fake once the real. But science fiction has to make do, which is why we get so many humans with wacky foreheads. Every kind of animal and animal crosses are being tried. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading ancient aliens exposed. So here are five aliens species that many alien enthusiasts claim have visited us repeatedly so much so that we learned their names and could even be living aside us on earth. Pseudoarchaeology and the racism behind ancient aliens. There is also a youtube video which uses the same information. The sassani are a hybrid that was developed from reptilians and grayhumans. In the 1940s and 50s reports of flying saucers became an american cultural phenomena. The ussr, throughout history, has been a treasure trove of information on ets and their craft. The dulce aliengovernment underground facility, located under the archuleta mesa near dulce in rio arriba county, new mexico, is believed widely to be much larger and more important than area 51.

It is used by russian special services and is called alien races. Grays can be found from one foot to even seven foot. The fortunate reader of this book will be imbued with knowledge of alien species, descriptions, their ships and place of origin, as well as information on how alien races have contributed to human evolution here on earth. I have red many many books since i was 15 years old. They believe those aliens come to earth from time to time, keeping a track on how humans are progressing, looming over us like gods. I was involved in situations where we actually did recoveries of crashed saucers. More research into exobiology, the science of star visitor lifes physical structure and processes, will help us understand better how many races of intelligent species we are dealing. There is no evidence in public about all those races but. Arcturus is one of the most advanced civilizations in this galaxy. I took a look at the alien types in that book and one of them looked familiar. Appendix a each chapter is full of thousands of words on topics that have been debunked years or decades ago or that are just made up. Sep 21, 2016 this is the x soviet union alien races book which catalogs all the alien races that the soviets were aware of. Alien definition is belonging or relating to another person, place, or thing. Greyskinned humanoids, usually 34 feet tall, hairless, with large heads, black almondshaped eyes, nostrils without a nose, slits for mouths, no ears and 34 fingers including thumb.

Zecharia sitchin july 11, 1920 october 9, 2010 was an author of books proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts. Secret russian kgb book of alien races gil carlson on. It is believed that construction of the aliengovernment facilities began under the administrations of presidents harry truman and dwight eisenhower. Other say aliens from another planet come on earth and helped mankind to be born. Hell, i think the op book is not very valid, but 1 thats just how i feel about it after having looked through it a touch a while back, and 2 im not going to go so out of my way toward committing to thinking that theres nooo way that any part of this book can possibly be real or valid. This list excludes cases in which only a single member of a species is shown, such. Last but not least, the inhumans are a genetically advanced inhuman race that was formed via experimentation by the alien kree. How many races of aliens exist and interact with humans. There are a number of alien races that have only one variant, but the grays are not one of them. This list of fictional extraterrestrial species is subsidiary to the lists of fictional species and is a collection of various notable extraterrestrial species that appear in various works of fiction. If youre in your late forties or older, and grew up in the part of the country served by what was then the southern television part of the. Ancient astronauts or ancient aliens refers to the pseudoscientific idea that intelligent extraterrestrial beings visited earth and made contact with humans in antiquity and prehistoric times. According to whistleblower and former canadian defense minister paul hellyer, there are alien races on earth.

The 10 most unbelievable alien races in science fiction. These races have been protecting earth and humans for as long as there are alien records of it. The author of the ancient alien question, philip coppens, was a regular on the ancient aliens tv series and presents academic research as if science itself is mysterious. Personally, it is my conviction that all sentient beings are immortal spiritual beings. Ancient astronauts or ancient aliens refers to the pseudoscientific idea that intelligent extraterrestrial beings visited earth and made contact with humans in. Nov 22, 2016 life after death experience nde with steve gardipee, vietnam war story one of the best ndes duration. These beings arrived from a planet called nibiru which allegedly approaches our solar system every 3600 years. New link to alien races book my friend dante, who cowrote the alien races book the arb with a guy named petro, has disappeared, along with his yt channel and his original links to the book he helped create as well as any trace of him. Vorticias plan is to send the players monster to earth to steal the crystals to empower her own monsters and make them more powerful than earths. Three of the most influential alien species on earth. The right insists we have a debate on race realism the idea that there are meaningful genetic differences between races as though the idea wasnt debunked decades ago by the scientific. They are designed to be easily recognized by other races as such, with digits for particular functions, and their color indicates such things as rank, ability, etc.

Hybrids are particularly common across the cosmos and are believed to be of the alien races in contact with earth. Are we the descendants of ancient aliens ufo research. Secret russian book from 194647 speaks of 58 alien races, page 1. Secret russian kgb book of alien species blue planet project 19 kindle edition by carlson, gil. Maybe our protagonist acquires a book about alien abductions in nilburg where survivors explain how inconsistent the behavior of the aliens was. In this way, the mysterious gate exists and was discovered by chance, by a guide, jose luis delgado mamani, who explored the mountainous region of hayu brand, 35 km from the city of puno in peru. Koi managed to trace the movie back into its original uploader, and that is when it became evident that there was more than a pet project of a digital artist. Order and the alien agenda is one and the same, it is world takeover of the population of the planet. If you click the above link, we may earn a small affiliate commission. There are several races that do so and for a reason.

This video shows some alien races leaked from and old russian secret book that dante azazel8867 had uploaded for us in the past, but his account has been deleted from youtube with all his videos, and his life was running danger in the last weeks, receiving attempts against his life. In it are many different chapters explaining the organizations that exist, the types of alien species, government projects, important alien. There are a number of alien races known that currently operating on the earth and in the human population. You fight against the covenant, an alien race in an allout war with the humans.

Race distinguishes various star visitors of decidedly different appearances. Originally posted by skyblueworld firstly lets start with the youtube user azazel8867 a. Secret russian book from 194647 speaks of 58 alien races. This is an excerpt from one of the interview transcripts provided by matilda odonnell macelroy which are duplicated in the book, alien interview. The claim is that it was given to government agents for them to add their information to it. Confessions from the blue planet project confessions of. Yet many theologians are already open to the existence of. Greys have been the predominant extraterrestrial beings of alleged alien contact since the 1960s. Was the black race a failure and did the extraterrestrials change the. You will also discover the negative aspects and possible intentions of some alien races. The discovery of life on another planet might seem incompatible with faith in a deity.

Sometimes they are associated with the myths of ancient astronauts who allegedly came to earth to colonize the planet and promise to return one day. The anunnaki date all the way back to ancient mesopotamia. Here is a brief description about the top 10 different types of. In an interview in 1998, clifford stone, a retired us army sergeant who served in the army for 22 years and participated in covert operations, which should gain a crashed extraterrestrial ships and extraterrestrial biological entities ebe revealed that there are at 55 alien races, which. In 2004, i became friends with an ukrainian guy called petro that i met completely randomly at a bar by the beachi was on holidays and he was there with some friends having some drinks. Its debunked now, since we know that photons are particles that have the behaviors of waves. Possibly one of the most revealing and controversial documents originating from. Some say an alien civilization existed before mankind was born on planet earth. Sightings of strange objects in the sky became the raw materials for. The alien mothership in this game is partially destroyed in a crash and, rather than fixing it, vorticia focuses all the vortaaks power on the recently discovered alien crystals on earth. Proponents suggest that this contact influenced the development of. Even though the book is constantly discredited, the truth is that this book really exists. Alien interview video officially debunked alien ufo.

The alien race book is conceived from the mind off a man that clearly has read a lot into these topics, and is a wannabe writer himselfa deliberate hoaxbased on his fragments of imagination onlytrust me brother this is a desperate man searching for fame and glory. Debunking ufos, ancient astronauts and other unexplained mysteries ancient aliens, ancient astronaut theory, ufo book 1 kindle edition by macdonald, vernon. Ufos and aliens among us life on other worlds articles and. Agharians or aghartians a group of asiatic or nordic humans who, sources claim, discovered a vast system of caverns below the region of the gobi desert and surrounding areas thousands of years ago, and have since established a thriving kingdom within, one which has been interacting with otherplanetary systems up until current times. It is limited to wellreferenced examples from literature, film, television, comics, animation and video games. I will continue keeping my notes and i do recommend you do the same.

Sighting of aliens have been reported by hundreds of people over the last one hundred years from different parts of the world. It is the fifthdimensional civilization that is a prototype of earths future. I would take this book or any et related book for that matter more seriously if the author sprang for a decent artist to draw the aliens as artist renditions i mean a real artist too, not just someones random colored pencil drawings, not just take pictures stolen from the internet, tv shows, and video games. Some even believe that we humans are genetic hybrids ourselves but thats a discussion for another conspiracy forum. Of course, as we might imagine, there is considerable discrepancy as to the authenticity of the account. Very little is known about the five alien races that are part of the council of 5. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. The blue skin pleiadian people are exceptionally spiritual, living in peace and. Adjective the imposters trick unsuspecting alien races in the delta quadrant where the federation and starfleet dont exist to pay for membership into their fake. The book is believed to have been written around 194647, with constant additions and revisions over the years. Alien races a to e agharians or aghartians a group of asiatic or nordic humans who, sources claim, discovered a vast system of caverns below the region of the gobi desert and surrounding areas thousands of years ago, and have since established a thriving kingdom within, one which has been interacting with otherplanetary systems up until.

This page is collection of information about the numerous alien races. Aug 25, 2016 ufo researcher, isaac koi, was fast to examine the movie and determine it was certainly a hoax. The book is titled, introduction to the alien races book. Mar 17, 2016 alien races over 82 species on earth and in contact with earth right now before its news this highly fascinating compilation features photos of alleged alien species. What archaeologists really think about ancient aliens. Hailing from the planet nibiru, they came to earth in order to mine our gold. They have the goal of colonizing earth,that has not happened because of protection from other alien races, such as the ones in the council of the 5. And this is mordin solus a character from mass effect video game series who the picture reminded me of.

He asserted that sumerian mythology suggests that this hypothetical planet. Sitchin attributed the creation of the ancient sumerian culture to the anunnaki, which he stated was a race of extraterrestrials from a planet beyond neptune called nibiru. Ever since the book of alien races was translated from russian into english by dante santori, a former special forces sergeant from europe, this secret book has created a major stir among researchers. The alien race book fascinating reading this back story to this book makes for fascinating reading. Where, exactly, the idea of ancient aliens building the pyramids began and why some academics think racism lies at the heart of many extraterrestrial theories. Annunaki is the name given to a race of extraterrestrials by the sumerians. After seeing a ufo once, i believe that other beings exist besides us. Dec 11, 2019 in december 1999, at least according to a mysterious set of documents named the lacerta files, a swedish researcher known only as ole k. Level 6 or hall of the nightmare contains genetic laboratories. An introduction about alien races and their purpose on earth pleiadians the blue skin pleiadian people are exceptionally spiritual, living in peace and unconditional love though always beings in the light of the source.

Oct 21, 2014 the book is titled, introduction to the alien races book. Full text of van helsing jan secret societies and their. For an alien race traveling near the speed of light, it would take over four years. Level 5 the witnesses described huge pots of liquids, with parts of the human body as in a horror movie. We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to. The hunt for alien life in the universe will go on despite astronomy being out on the backburner while the coronavirus pandemic continues. Visited earth for the first time during the prehistoric period date unknown. Oct 05, 2012 ancient aliens debunked is a 3 hour refutation of the theories proposed on the history channel series ancient aliens. The secrets of the russians contact with aliens that was guarded by the kgb. But at the time his spirit of inquiry provoked strabos criticism as something.

Some have mushroomwhite skin, others with brown and even others with black skin. Proponents suggest that this contact influenced the development of modern cultures, technologies, religions, and human biology. Book of alien races translated from the russian kgb book. The alien race book fascinating reading educating humanity.

Ancient astronauts or ancient aliens refers to the pseudoscientific idea that intelligent. As per collective studies of all these reports, it is being calculated that there are as many as 82 different types of aliens that are being seen on earth. Here are cages for men, women, and children, kept for experiments. The book of alien races i thought that your book was very interesting. If we made contact with aliens, how would religions react. Dante did all of the translations dante santori, a former special forces sergeant from europe, translated a secret book about aliens from russian to english, capturing the minds of many believers in extraterrestrial life in the process.